Pide, a traditional meal in Turkey, is a great snack and “to-go” food. It occasionally goes by the name “Turkish Pizza” in the West. These flatbreads can be topped with several traditional fillings, but you can also give them your own unique spin by adding your own garnishes. Mushroom pide is available all day long! It works well for dinner or lunch, as well as for breakfast or brunch.

The Turkish equivalent of pizza is pide. Turkish flatbread loaded with cheese, spicy pork, spinach, and other ingredients. Pide is a common street snack in Turkey with Ottoman Empire roots. People love pide because you can add any toppings you like and make it your own. Make a meat-heavy pide or become vegetarian. If you want to try this as a mushroom pide, we can share the recipe with you. So, here is our mushroom pide recipe.

Mama Fatma is the best place to eat pide with mushrooms and other types of pide. Mama Fatma is the best place to eat pide with mushrooms as well as other types of pide. We can offer you our mushroom pide recipe by reserving your place in the form of an a la carte reservation.

Satisfy Your Cravings with This Earthy and Delicious Mushroom Pide Recipe 3


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 250 g of strong white bread flour and one 7 g sachet of dried, quick-acting yeast
  • For the filling, combine 150 ml of water with 1/2 tsp. caster sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Smoked paprika, 1 tablespoon
  • 2 red bell peppers and 2 teaspoons of cumin
  • mushrooms, 500g
  • A dash of salt
  • 1 red onion, 2 cloves of garlic
  • 12 tablespoons of tomato purรฉe or harissa paste
  • 1 lemon juice
  • Pepper and salt to taste

You can eat the pide just as it comes out of the oven. The following suggestions for garnish are entirely optional; use them as you see fit. Add some olive oil. Add some chopped cilantro or coriander as a garnish. Add a little crumbed fetta. Sprinkle sumac, sesame, or oregano. If you want to get information about cheese pide!

How To Make Mushroom Pide? Instructions

Produce the dough;

Combine the flour, yeast, sugar, and salt in the bowl or mixer. Water and 1 tablespoon oil are combined, then. Knead the dough thoroughly for 10 minutes, either in a stand mixer or by vigorously pounding it on a floured surface, punching, twisting, and folding it repeatedly until it is smooth and springy. Place in a basin, cover loosely, and allow the mixture to rise for one hour, or until it has nearly doubled in size.

Satisfy Your Cravings with This Earthy and Delicious Mushroom Pide Recipe 4

Creating the filling;

Slice both the peppers and mushrooms thinly. Add some olive oil to the frying pan and heat it up. Add salt and the minced chilies and mushrooms to the heated oil. When the water is gone and the vegetables have browned and are beginning to turn golden, fry for 10 minutes while tossing often. Peel and chop the red onion in half, then add it to the pan. Prepare for 5 minutes. Grate the garlic into the pan after peeling it. Mix thoroughly after adding the harissa sauce or tomato paste, then add the spices and mix once more. Take the food off the heat Half the parsley should be chopped finely and added to the mixture afterward. And add salt and pepper to taste and season.

reheat the pides;

The oven is heated to 200 ยฐC. On a clean surface, dump the risen dough, roll it into a log, and cut it into four equal pieces. Place each piece on a baking sheet that has been lined after rolling it into an oval about 10 cm wide and 20 cm long. Filling should be placed in the center of every oval, leaving a 2-cm dough border at the edges. To form boat shapes, fold the sides up over the filling at the pide edges and pinch them together at the ends. Make a small amount of pressure to ensure that the borders adhere to the fill and do not flare during baking. Bake for 15โ€“20 minutes, or until the bottoms are crisp and the pastry is deep golden. Brush with olive oil.


The rest of the red onion should be thinly sliced and placed in a small bowl. Add the lemon juice and toss with the oil after adding it. Toss the parsley leaves with the lemon and onion after picking them up. Take the baked pides out of the oven, then sprinkle the onion and parsley mixture on top of them. Finally, serve by cutting every pide diagonally into three pieces.

What Type Of Mushroom Should I Use?

For pide, button or chestnut mushrooms work best. When we are fortunate enough to find them, we also occasionally use wild mushrooms. Turkish green peppers are what we use because we constantly have them in the fridge, but whatever green pepper you want or have on hand would do.

You need one medium-sized, finely sliced tomato, but you can add more for color. Strong bread flour is another name for it. It is created from hard wheat varieties, and compared to other types of flour, it has a higher gluten content. So, it gives the dough some flexibility and aids in its ability to grow with a solid structure.

Satisfy Your Cravings with This Earthy and Delicious Mushroom Pide Recipe 1

How Long Can I Keep The Remaining Pieces?

Pide can be frozen for later use; however, chilling can quicken its staleness. Turkish flatbread is customary. Turkish pizza is a typical Turkish meal made from bread and various toppings. Pide breads that have been baked maintain their freshness for several days by being wrapped loosely in plastic bags. For up to two days, keep this pide bread at room temperature in a plastic bag or bread bag. Turkish pide bread can also be kept in the fridge for up to a week. Thus, you may freeze these after they have totally cooled for up to two months in a container that is airtight.

Discover Our Other Pide Recipes

Turkish Pide
Cheese Pide
Potato Pide
Soujouk Pide
Beef Pide
Vegetarian Pide